Ari Takanen is a founder and CTO of Codenomicon, Ltd. He is a distinctive member of the global security testing community, and a regular speaker at various testing and security conferences. His professional background is on academic software security testing research, where he has been active since 1998. Before Codenomicon, Ari Takanen was part of the security research team at the University of Oulu. Oulu is a small city of about 200,000 people in the northern part of Finland. More information can be received by sending an e-mail to
When Peter Thermos and I wrote our book, “Securing VoIP Networks: Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Countermeasures,” our goal was to collect all the various aspects of VOIP (voice over IP) security together. Our purpose was to write a book that could be used by both telecommunication staff and IP experts. We wanted to develop material in […]