Barry Cooper


Barry Cooper is Vice President of Training Services at FishNet Security. Barry has over 20 years of experience in IT. He has designed and provided training for technical courses for over 15 years. He has significant expertise in systems analysis, programming, and network engineering. Barry is responsible for security education services, operations, management and leadership of the FishNet Security's training organizations. In addition, he manages vendor, security and distance learning product development. Barry has over 70 high-level security and technical certifications including CISSP, JNCI (Juniper instructor), CCSI (CheckPoint instructor) and CTT+ (Certified Technical Trainer). He is a member of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) and the United States Distance Learning Association. Barry earned a Bachelor's degree in Organizational Leadership from Calvary Bible College and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in education. He can be reached at

How to Provide Security and Compliance Training to Diverse Workforces

Your IT security team has done due diligence in hardening your organization’s IT infrastructure to align it with the latest regulations. You’ve deployed state-of-the-art Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and intrusion prevention systems (IPSes), firewalls, and antivirus and antimalware solutions. And you have personally overseen all recent compliance audits. You think you can now rest easy; […]