Bill Hyman


Bill Hyman is Senior Solutions Consultant at S1 Enterprise. Bill has over 20 years of experience in business management and technology. Before joining S1, Bill spent more than 10 years with Fidelity National Information Services. Before Fidelity, Bill was Managing Consultant and Practice Lead for Ballantyne Consulting Group, where he managed the company's software development practice. Throughout his career, Bill has led implementation projects for many large financial institutions, including some of the country's largest banks. Bill is a graduate of Clemson University, with a degree in Industrial Management with an emphasis in Computer Information Systems. He can be reached at

How to Upgrade Software While Retaining Customizations

For years, commercial software providers have delivered turnkey software applications to their customers that address a focused set of business requirements. These applications implement a robust set of business functions that capture and promote industry-wide best practices and provide an affordable alternative to custom software development. However, licensees of these software packages frequently need to […]