Carl Eberling


Carl Eberling is Vice President and General Manager of the Virtualization and Monitoring Business Unit at Quest Software. Carl is an IT industry veteran. Most recently, he was senior vice president of IT at Kaiser Permanente. Prior to that, Carl held senior-level IT management positions at Verizon Wireless, Pacific Bell, Cellular One and AirTouch Communications. Carl holds a Bachelor's degree from San Francisco State University and completed his graduate studies at University of California, Berkeley, and Golden Gate University. He also served in the United States Marine Corps. He can be reached at

Application Management ROI: How to Show Real Results to the Business

Application management solutions that monitor and manage the entire application infrastructure, detect performance and availability problems in real time, and enable fast root-cause diagnosis can save businesses money by reducing application downtime. In addition, application management solutions that automate much of the application management effort can boost the efficiencies of business-critical applications and staff productivity, […]