Christian Kirsch


Christian Kirsch is Senior Manager, International Product Marketing for Thales Information Systems Security. He has more than 12 years of experience in enterprise data protection. Prior to Thales, Christian worked with PGP Corporation in Germany and the United States as a product marketing manager for enterprise security software. Christian has also held product management positions at various encryption software vendors. In these roles, he became familiar with the security concerns and challenges of today's leading global organizations. Christian has also published several articles on IT security in international media and has spoken on this topic at several security conferences. Christian has a B.A. in Politics with International Relations from the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom, as well as a business degree from the Akademie f??r Marketing-Kommunikation in Frankfurt, Germany. He can be reached at

How to Protect Sensitive Data Using Database Encryption

Many businesses today are struggling to overcome the numerous challenges associated with database encryption. Organizations today are most concerned about key management, regarding it as the biggest challenge in database encryption. Enterprises are also grappling with issues such as how to separate database and security management, how to control the usage and copying of keys, […]