Deborah Gage


Senior Writerdebbie_gage@ziffdavisenterprise.comBased in Silicon Valley, Debbie was a founding member of Ziff Davis Media's Sm@rt Partner, where she developed investigative projects and wrote a column on start-ups. She has covered the high-tech industry since 1994 and has also worked for Minnesota Public Radio, covering state politics. She has written freelance op-ed pieces on public education for the San Jose Mercury News, and has also won several national awards for her work co-producing a documentary. She has a B.A. from Minnesota State University.

Dont Be Another Dot-Com Dog

The dot-com crash has inspired caution among startups. Tight funding has encouraged a return to more traditional business practices and has made growth through partnerships more attractive. No longer opting to throw funds at broad, mass-marketing campaigns, start-ups are becoming more strategic. “We learned to be stingy on how resources are spent and pay attention […]

Dot-com Deaths Are Not Over

It has become a daily ritual in Silicon Valley to listen for news of the power crisis. Those of us who live here are accustomed to earthquakes, fires and mud slides. But worrying about whether my office is scheduled for a rolling blackout feels worse, because it exposes how complex our society has become and […]

Now Its the Medias Turn

Ten months after the Nasdaq topped 5000 and then began its downward drift, journalists finally are feeling the pressure. In the last few weeks, hundreds of journalists have been laid off from New Economy magazines and from Web sites whose big-name backers suddenly realized that they were drinking the same Kool-Aid that fueled the explosion […]

Another Big Idea

Hewlett-Packard needs your help. In the wake of CEO Carly Fiorinas warning that the company will miss first-quarter earnings due to “worsening economic conditions and a deceleration in corporate and consumer IT spending,” (dont you love corporate-speak?) HP flacks are working the phones. The company has been calling reporters soliciting their opinions on what HP […]

The Industry That Fell Back To Earth

One week into the new millennium we are deluged with reports of the slowing economy and its innumerable ramifications—corporate spending cutbacks, dot-com shutdowns, underwater stock options, and so on. In recent weeks, Microsoft, Sun and Hewlett-Packard all have tried boosting their stock prices by leaking internal memos from their CEOs calling for belt-tightening, and many […]