Frank Brooks


Frank Brooks is Senior Manager of Data Resource Management and Chief Data Architect at BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, where he has worked for 21 years.His responsibilities include overseeing the Database Administration, Data Integration, and Business Intelligence departments. He is also heavily involved in the planning and strategy of the Information Management area, including implementing an Enterprise Architecture function. Mr. Brooks has spoken at conferences including the annual Cognos user conference, Cognos Forum in 2006 and 2007, and at the InformationWeek CIO Conference in 2006. He has participated in a number of IT publication articles, press releases, case studies by Gartner and IDC, and delivered an IBM/Cognos-sponsored worldwide webinar on the information management practices in his area. He can be reached at

How to Discover the Hidden Meaning in Unstructured Data

As with many large organizations, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBST) stores several different types of data in various formats. The data is stored in a diverse group of systems. These systems include relational databases, mainframes, content management systems, e-mail servers, call center contact notes, as well as CRM applications and business intelligence reports. Only part […]