Gregory Ireland


Gregory Ireland is the Executive Officer of the Thirteenth Judicial District Court in Los Lunas (Albuquerque), New Mexico. Gregory has been an executive officer of general and appellate jurisdiction courts in both urban and rural areas since 1984. He has been recognized to speak nationwide, and has often coached court organizations in subjects such as caseflow management, electronic document filing and best practices for litigants who represent themselves in court proceedings. Gregory's courts have won two national Justice Achievement Awards from the National Association of Court Management. He has been influential in helping courts to adopt technology standards such as "Courtroom 21." Numerous articles concerning the use of advanced technology in the courts Gregory supervises have appeared in a wide variety of publications. Gregory holds two Masters Degrees in Administration from the University of Denver, College of Law. He can be reached at

How to Increase Employee Productivity by Using Mobile UC

By leveraging mobile unified communications (mobile UC) to mobilize workers’ desk phones, enterprises can ensure that their employees are continuously reachable, regardless of their location. This means they are more available for customers and colleagues, and they can answer questions or provide information as quickly as possible. Mobile UC also ensures that enterprises reduce their […]