Dr. Jerry Smith is CTO of Symphony Services. Jerry draws from more than 25 years of experience as a technology innovator and IT strategist to help Symphony and its clients derive business benefit from the successful adoption and use of critical technologies. Jerry joins Symphony from his role as CTO, vice president of engineering and acting CIO for IPR International, a technology services company specializing in the protection and preservation of electronic information. Prior to IPR, Jerry was the senior vice president and CTO at Systems and Computers Technology (SCT), and the CTO of professional services firm Semaphore. Jerry also worked in management roles at Xerox, Sales Technologies and KPMG, and was the principal investigator/owner of Market Place Technologies. Jerry has a B.S. degree in Electrical/Electronics Engineering from California State Polytechnic University and Masters and Post-Doctoral degrees in Computer Science from NOVA Southeastern University. He also has a Naval Nuclear Power degree from the United States Navy, in which he served as a pilot, nuclear engineer and project engineer. Jerry is also an adjunct assistant professor at Drexel University and an adjunct professor at NOVA Southeastern University. He can be reached at jsmith@symphonysv.com.
Traditional outsourcing strategies are killing the very nature of innovation and limiting the revenue growth potential of companies at the expense of cheaper operational costs. At this point, there should be no doubt that outsourcing has fundamentally changed the way in which ISVs are operating, with 84 percent of ISVs outsourcing some part of their […]