Microsoft announced Feb. 20 new tools for easing Windows Vista deployments. The tools come about two-and-a-half months after Microsoft released the new operating system to businesses. The tools—immediately available—let businesses assess hardware and software compatibility with Vista, better manage product licensing activation, and virtualize older Windows versions during Vista testing, deployment and transition processes. The […]
Symantec has uncovered malicious code that could exploit Microsofts newest zero-day vulnerability. Today on Security Response Weblog, Symantec revealed the exploit, which could drop a back-door Trojan onto an infected system. The exploit “may enable an attacker to gain remote access to your computer,” wrote Amado Hidalgo in the blog post. /zimages/4/28571.gifFor more on the […]
Microsoft zero-day vulnerabilities are increasingly so commonplace, the risk is lost with the message. On Feb. 2, Microsoft issued another security alert, this one for Excel, that largely went unnoticed. In its security bulletin, Microsoft warned that “other Office applications are potentially vulnerable” to the zero-day flaw. Zero-day refers to a flaw for which there […]
The wait is over. Late on Nov. 16, Microsoft posted Windows Vista to its developer Web site. The software is immediately available to MSDN subscribers. Microsoft also posted Office 2007 earlier this week. The products availability to developers —less than two weeks before the official business launch—is essential for partners getting out applications updates or […]