Dr. Markus Jakobsson is a Principal Scientist at Palo Alto Research Center. He is a founder of the security startup RavenWhite, which addresses security problems associated with authentication, malware and click-fraud. He is also one of the founders of SecurityCartoon, an educational approach targeting typical Internet users. Previously, he has held positions as Associate Professor at Indiana University, Adjunct Associate Professor at New York University, Principal Research Scientist at RSA Security, and was a member of the Technical Staff at Bell Labs. He is a visiting research fellow of the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), and a consultant to the financial sector. Dr. Jakobsson teaches on phishing and counter-measures, click-fraud, the human factor in security, cryptography, network security and protocol design. He is an editor of "Phishing and Countermeasures" (Wiley, 2006) and co-author of "Crimeware: Understanding New Attacks and Defenses" (Symantec Press, 2008). He received his PhD in computer science from University of California at San Diego in 1997. He can be reached at markus.jakobsson@parc.com.
/images/stories/70×50/bug_knowledgecenter_70x70_(2).jpgIn our recent book, “Crimeware: Understanding New Attacks and Defenses,” Zulfikar Ramzan and I present a snapshot of the threat that crimeware poses today and a vision of a likely future. While we are both positive and happy people, it is hard to be very optimistic when talking about crimeware. We are, in fact, very […]