Shawn Cooney


Shawn Cooney is Director of Research at Certeon. Shawn has more than 25 years of experience in information and network security. He has expertise in digital rights management, MPEG compression and networking security. Shawn holds a patent in audio and video compression over IP networks. He was also a member of the IETF MPEG 4 Systems and Digital Rights Management committees. Prior to Certeon, Shawn founded software copyright protection and digital media companies, and was a senior consulting engineer at EMC. He can be reached at

How to Use Virtualization to Accelerate Remote Backup and WAN Replication

The remote backup and recovery end game is simple. You should be able to perform frequent backups with shorter backup windows to protect as much company information as possible. You should be able to do this regardless of the miles between your source and target replication locations. But before I get ahead of myself and […]