Spencer F. Katt


Spencer F. Katt, the Whiskered Wonder, has been the mascot and tipster extraordinaire for eWEEK and its predecessor print publication PC Week since 1984. The Gadabout Gatto makes the rounds of the high tech centers of the U.S. and beyond in search of news and gossip about the products, companies and people that keep the IT industry in top gear. By day he can often be found padding about the exhibit halls and briefing rooms searching for tips about the latest breakthrough products. By night he haunts the sushi bars and watering holes his ears alert to the merest whisper about a big round of venture capital funding or a blockbuster corporate buyout. The often tart-tongued tabby is always ready to share his own views about the inside stories behind the headlines. 

Vintage ‘Kattoons’ Spotlight the Wit and Wisdom of Spencer F. Katt

Spencer F. Katt’s Best Tips, Quips and Bon Mots Spencer F. Katt, eWEEK’s roving commentator and tipster, had lots of fun skewering the high and mighty of the tech world while offering his own pungent views on the computers, software and gadgets that have come to rule our lives. Not only did he get to […]

Surprises Float in the Cloud

Spencer was a bit anxious when he heard the story about the unidentified Australian man whose photo showed up on Google Street View passed out on the lawn in front of his mother’s home. Google’s camera-equipped Street View car just happened to drive by and snapped a photo as he sprawled on the grass in […]

Toasting a Favorite Source

The Grizzled Grimalkin can’t understand why everybody is getting so maudlin about Bill Gates stepping away from day-to-day management of his software company. It’s not as though he’s going very far. Even if he spends more time managing his family’s charitable foundation and his personal investments, does anybody think for a minute he won’t have […]

A Comic-al Look Back at Bill Gates

A Comic-al Look Back at Bill Gates A Comic-al Look Back at Bill Gates – The Ballad of Big Blue A Comic-al Look Back at Bill Gates – The Baby Bills A Comic-al Look Back at Bill Gates – Gates DOJ Proposal A Comic-al Look Back at Bill Gates – A Linux Geeks Nightmare A […]

Does Google Fit with Salesforce?

The Wired One’s e-mail inbox started clogging up within hours after The 451 Group’s report calling for Google to buy Salesforce.com hit the Internet. Readers and tipsters wanted to whisper in Spencer’s furry ears their views on the subject, both pro and con. One reader echoed comments from several industry analysts, noting, “Google doesn’t get […]

Ambient Light Ruins Stargazing

While Spencer often likes to curl up with a good book during his weekend downtime, he decided to join the throngs heading to their local cineplexes during the Memorial Day break to see the latest Indiana Jones action epic. He had just settled into his seat with a bag of kettle corn and a Cherry […]

Debunking Microsoft Search Rumors

Spencer gets lots of tips from wishful thinkers, dreamers and conspiracy theorists. He loves them all, mainly because they are at least good for a chuckle in an otherwise mundane workday. Sometimes they are so preposterous they provide scorn-worthy fodder for Rumor Central. And besides, the Wired One loves to deflate the profound reasoning of […]

Snagging Coders in the Mesh

Microsoft made quite a splash introducing its Live Mesh hybrid cloud-and-desktop software technology last month. But the Tuned-In Tabby keeps hearing no end of questions and speculation about how this latest Microsoft platform will take shape. Perhaps the first question out of everyone’s mouths after what form it will take (unknown) and when it will […]

Keep Track of Friends, Enemies

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Or is it “the enemy of my friend is my enemy”? The Learned Lynx was having a hard time sorting out the significance of all the alliances that were shifted, stressed, strained and dinged in the latest maneuvers among Salesforce.com, Google and Microsoft. Some analysts continue to […]

Snagging Tips in Between Noshes

Of all the shows that convene in San Francisco, Spencer likes the RSA Conference most of all. Where else can the Rumor-Mongering Mouser go to see security spooks dressed like him in trench coats and battered fedoras? The Gastronomic Gossip also likes the eats that are prevalent at this smorgasbord-by-the-bay. We’re talking smoked salmon, shrimp […]