Stan Gibson


Stan Gibson is Executive Editor of eWEEK. In addition to taking part in Ziff Davis eSeminars and taking charge of special editorial projects, his columns and editorials appear regularly in both the print and online editions of eWEEK. He is chairman of eWEEK's Editorial Board, which received the 1999 Jesse H. Neal Award of the American Business Press. In ten years at eWEEK, Gibson has served eWEEK (formerly PC Week) as Executive Editor/eBiz Strategies, Deputy News Editor, Networking Editor, Assignment Editor and Department Editor. His Webcast program, 'Take Down,' appeared on He has appeared on many radio and television programs including TechTV, CNBC, PBS, WBZ-Boston, WEVD New York and New England Cable News. Gibson has appeared as keynoter at many conferences, including CAMP Expo, Society for Information Management, and the Technology Managers Forum. A 19-year veteran covering information technology, he was previously News Editor at Communications Week and was Software Editor and Systems Editor at Computerworld.

Indian Education: A Weak Link?

Among the forces arrayed to thwart Indias march to the center of the world technology stage, none draws more fire from executives than the Indian educational system. A recent study by McKinsey & Co. sponsored by Nasscom found that India will need 2.3 million IT and business process outsourcing workers by 2010, but that Indian […]

This eWEEK

Remember Chicago? Once the code name for Windows 95, it generated several years worth of buildup that was the stuff of legend. At the stroke of midnight, Aug. 25, 1995, camera crews filmed buyers as they charged into computer stores to be the first to buy a copy. Now, a decade later, welcome to the […]

Dynamic Data Obfuscation Comes to U.S.

Thieves making off with laptops, hackers planting a Trojan in a store kiosk to send data to the Ukraine-these are the data breaches that gather the headlines. The result is an overemphasis on endpoint security, according to Tony Cannizzo, CEO of Silos-Connect Technologies, a distributor of database technology in Atlanta. Securing the perimeter may be […]

Asigra Casts Backup Cloud Across Providers, Enterprises

Enterprises that are on the fence with regard to using a public cloud computing service or building their own internal clouds for backup can choose both. Asigra, a provider of cloud-based backup and recovery software to cloud service providers, is offering its software to end-user companies. Called the Asigra Hybrid Cloud Backup and Recovery platform, […]

Mashups Give Defense Department Strategic Edge

To make the right decision, it’s essential to have the right information at the right time. But just what information is needed, when and in relation to what other information is a subtle science that tests the mettle of IT managers everywhere. In the armed forces, victory and defeat-not to mention human life-may hang in […]

Web 2.0 Tools Gain Enterprise Acceptance

It’s a humble appliance, but, without it, workplace culture doesn’t stand a chance. It’s the water cooler, where employees meet to open up about themselves and their work. But as companies disperse operations globally and encourage employees to telecommute, the old-time water cooler is getting to be a lonely place. What’s needed is a virtual […]

GM IT Steers Through the Economic Storm

The global financial crisis has thrown businesses across all industries into disarray, with the auto industry being one of the most tempest-tossed. And perhaps no company is suffering to a greater degree-or more publicly-than General Motors. With a multibillion-dollar federal bailout package in the offing, GM is consolidating and tightening its operations, reducing its number […]

Macs Rebound at RAND

Spurred by renewed popularity of Apple products, many enterprises are taking a fresh look at the Apple Macintosh platform. The result: an unmistakable uptick in enterprise Mac deployments. For many companies that embrace the Mac, the obstacle of strangeness looms largest. Introducing a new end-user computing system brings with it questions of application compatibility, management […]

Can You Bet on the Cloud?

The future of computing may be a lot harder to predict than the weather. So, can you bet your company on the cloud? This question is pressing on enterprise IT executives who are trying to weigh the allure of low-cost, flexible computing in the cloud against the risks inherent in the platform. The fear of […]

Venture Investing: Clouds Reign

Cloud computing lightning is beginning to strike investors. “It’s an incredibly hot area for venture capital funding right now. Because this is such a significant shift in IT infrastructure, there’s a desire to get into it early,” said an entrepreneur who asked not to be named and who is planning to launch a cloud service […]