Sunil Cherian


Sunil Cherian is Vice President of Product Marketing at Array Networks. A member of the founding team at Array, Sunil has also served as vice president of product management and director of engineering at Array. Previously, Sunil served as senior architect for Alteon WebSystems Inc., where he was responsible for several Layer 4-7 technologies. Before that, Sunil worked with Lucent, Octel and VMX. Cherian holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the College of Engineering, Trivandrum, India, and a Master's degree in Computer Science from the State University of New York at Albany. He can be reached at

How to Build High-Performance Data Centers for Optimized App Delivery

A typical enterprise has a mix of Microsoft applications, enterprise applications, multimedia applications and cloud computing applications. Whether it is a large enterprise or a small and midsize business, this inflated application infrastructure in the data center introduces challenges related to application availability, application performance, application and server traffic management, bandwidth utilization, network security, and […]