Yorgen Edholm


Yorgen Edholm is President and CEO of Accellion. A Silicon Valley veteran, Yorgen has more than 25 years of enterprise software expertise. Yorgen also co-founded Brio Technology. During 12 years as Brio's CEO, he took the company public and grew it to $150 million in revenues, with over 700 employees and a customer base of over 5,000 organizations. In addition, Yorgen was president and CEO of DecisionPoint Applications, an analytical applications company. Yorgen has served on several public and private company boards including most recently Hyperion (sold to Oracle), I-many, Resilience, Verix and Saama. He can be reached at yorgen.edholm@accellion.com.

How to Securely Share Large E-Mail Attachments

Efficient business operations rely on fast communication between employees, clients and partners. What was once considered a competitive edge-the ability to share ideas and information in near real time-is now a necessity for businesses. E-mail has set the standard for speed of communication, yet it is surprising how many organizations, both large and small, are […]