A new survey of developers shows that existing Visual Basic developers are moving to Microsofts upgraded Visual Basic .Net as well as to Java and other language alternatives to build their applications going forward.
A survey to be released Tuesday by Evans Data Corp., Santa Cruz, Calif., shows that 43 percent of developers surveyed who said they are Visual Basic developers, plan to cut back on their use of the popular Microsoft development platform.
Of those saying they plan to reduce their use of Visual Basic, 37 percent said they plan to migrate to Visual Basic .Net.—largely from Visual Basic 6.0, the last non-.Net version of the product. Yet, 31 percent said they plan to move to Java and 39 percent said they will be migrating to C#, Microsofts Java-like language for building Internet applications and Web services.
Although, Visual Basic is used by 52 percent of all software developers, this survey—which Evans Data completed in April—indicates that not only is the Visual Basic follow-on language popular amongst VB developers, but so is Java and C#.
The April survey, called the North American Development Survey Volume 1, included responses from more than 600 developers, Evans officials said.
In addition, the survey found 39 percent of those polled said they use an in-house or proprietary methodology for developing software, while 16 percent said they use rapid application design and nine percent said they use eXtreme Programming as a methodology.
Also, according to the survey, 38 percent of companies prohibit instant messaging. And 51 percent of the developers surveyed said they plan to use peer-to-peer technology in the enterprise.
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