2Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Auctioneer
#25 Margaret (Meg) Whitman – eBay Heads the growing family of companies that lets people buy and sell online with unsurpassed efficiency.
3Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Turnaround Wizard
#24 Mark Hurd – Hewlett-Packard Chairman/CEO/president turned company around after Carly Fiorina and has guided HP past IBM to become the leading IT vendor.
4Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Google Guide
#23 Eric Schmidt – Google The former Bell Labs, Novell and Sun executive corralled Google into an e-commerce machine.
5Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – OS Maestro
#22 Mark Russinovich – Microsoft Technical fellow at Microsoft is a leader in operating system design and architecture; discovered behavior of rootkit on Sony CDs.
6Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – R&D Director
#21 Rick Rashid – Microsoft The senior vice president for research at Microsoft sets the course for a $6 billion R&D budget.
7Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Internet Evangelist
#20 Vinton Cerf – Google Co-inventor (with Bob Kahn) of TCP/IP and now vice president & chief Internet evangelist at Google.
8Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Sun Luminary
#19 Jonathan Schwartz – Sun Microsystems Successor to Scott McNealy and not afraid to shake things up; leading the company from a hardware to software focus.
9Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Chip Maven
#18 Paul Otellini – Intel President and CEO spurred Intel to dramatically raise the bar for laptop and desktop performance and efficiency, in Apple as well as Wintel PCs.
10Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Thought Leader
#17 Tim OReilly – OReilly Media Thought leader, influential technology publisher and event leader.
11Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – PARC Pioneer
#16 Dr. Alan Kay – Viewpoints Research Institute Co-founder of Xerox PARC, pioneer in object programming and user interfaces; still active as a voice in the One Laptop Per Child initiative.
12Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Dot-com Officer
#15 Rick Dalzell – Amazon.com Shopping site CIO is setting up Amazon as a software/hardware host. See our profile.
13Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Supply Chain Shepherd
#14 Rollin Ford – Wal-Mart Longtime Wal-Mart executive was named CIO in 2006; helped streamline the supply chain through IT.
14Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Standards Driver
#13 Ralph Szygenda – General Motors GM CIO is driving standards across the IT community, spearheading the best practices guide CMMI-ACQ (Capability Maturity Model Integration for Acquisition).
15Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Firefox Force
#12 Blake Ross – Firefox The lead developer/evangelist/face for the Firefox browser has forced Microsoft to change course and release a new browser.
16Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Big Blue Bigwig
#11 Sam Palmisano – IBM Chairman and CEO has not had the track record of his predecessor Lou Gerstner, but has focused IBM more on services and shed its PC business.
17Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Virtualization Pacesetter
#10 Diane Green – VMware The president and co-founder of the virtualization technology company, whose influence is vastly out of proportion to its size.
18Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – One Laptop Per Child Ambassador
#9 Nicholas Negroponte – MIT Co-founder and director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Laboratory; leader of One Laptop Per Child initiative.
19Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Notes Maker
#8 Ray Ozzie – Microsoft Former Iris and Lotus guru, creator of Notes, and now the undisputed leader of Microsofts Web services response to Google.
20Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – On-Demand Driver
#7 Marc Benioff – Salesforce.com Proclaimed the death of software; driver of on-demand applications as a business model and as the future of development platforms.
21Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Minister of the Mac
#6 Steve Jobs – Apple Although most focused on the consumer, his ideas for the Mac profoundly impact Windows PC designs.
22Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Microsoft Chief
#5 Steve Ballmer – Microsoft Now that Vista is out, priorities shift to Web services; he takes the reigns from Bill Gates full time in 2008.
23Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Acquisition Czar
#4 Larry Ellison – Oracle Enigmatic and flamboyant CEO has led a major acquisition spree the past three years as Oracle seeks to consolidate the enterprise software space.
24Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Father of Linux
#3 Linus Torvalds – Linux Founding father of Linux and the Bill Gates of the open-source movement, still maintains close watch over every detail of kernel.
25Top 100 Most Influential People in IT, Part 4 – Web Inventor
#2 Tim Berners-Lee – W3C Sir Tim, inventor of the Web, as much as anyone could be said to be, and leader of Web Science initiative of MIT and other institutions.
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