Typemock, a provider of unit-testing solutions, says unit-testing adoption has reached a peak in 2012 and is expanding in several sectors, including at software vendors and financial services firms.
Examination of new Typemock customers in 2012 showed that independent software vendors (ISVs) had the highest demand for enterprise unit-testing tools this year, with 30 percent of new customers from this sector. Moreover, financial companies are better recognizing the need for unit testing and they made up 15 percent of new unit-testing demand this year.
Security, health care, telecom and energy companies are also seeing increased demand for unit-testing tools, Typemock said. The security and health care sectors each made up approximately 10 percent of new unit-testing demand in 2012. The telecom and energy sectors each made up about 5 percent of new companies committed to unit testing.
Typemock was conceived in 2004 to help programmers become Agile through easy unit testing. Since the launch of the first version of Typemock Isolator in 2006, thousands of companies around the world use Typemock tools to make unit testing easy and to prevent bugs, the company said. Typemock users are developers from a wide range of sectors—such as defense, medical and finance—that demand exceptionally high standards of quality and minimum bugs.
The Typemock Isolator tool family enables easy unit testing of any .NET or C/C++ code, including legacy code and unwritten code.
“Developers are the vanguard of quality. The importance that software firms are placing in unit testing, as demonstrated by the increase in new customers turning to Typemock for their unit-testing solutions, is a sign that enterprises recognize the significance and benefits of mocking and automated unit testing,” said Eli Lopian, founder and CEO of Typemock, in a statement. “As businesses continue to develop software without unit testing, we will continue to see a steady stream of, and possibly rise in, costly bugs year-after-year. Unit testing and other developer testing should be a no-brainer for every organization, especially those with crucial legacy code, such as banks and other financial firms.”
Unit testing is a software-testing method by which individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules—together with associated control data, usage procedures and operating procedures—are tested to determine if they are fit for use. You can view a unit as the smallest testable part of an application. In procedural programming, a unit could be an entire module but is more commonly an individual function or procedure. In object-oriented programming, a unit is often an entire interface, such as a class, but could be an individual method. Unit tests are created by programmers or occasionally by white-box testers during the development process.
Typemock’s Isolator is a complete unit-testing and Test Driven Development (TDD) solution.
“With Typemock we don’t have to rewrite product code specifically for testing purposes,” said Travis Illig, a software developer at Fiserv. “This not only saves time, it also allows us to test components of our product code that cannot be readily changed, enabling comprehensive testing and overall high quality.”