Burzin Engineer


Burzin N. Engineer is Vice President of Infrastructure Technology at Shopzilla, Inc. Burzin has more than eighteen years of experience in the IT industry. His experience ranges from system and database administration to network/storage design and architecture. His technology focal points revolve around solving today's largest IT problems such as server consolidation, virtualization, data mobility and ILM. At Shopzilla, Burzin is responsible for all facets of IT, including network, storage, systems and internal IT. He holds a Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of Southern California. He can be reached at bengineer at shopzilla dot com.

How to Implement File Virtualization and a Global Namespace

It has never been more difficult to manage a file storage environment than it is today. The volume of data and the complexity of our infrastructures make it incredibly hard to change or provision new storage without impacting users or applications. And, for most of us, maintenance downtime is just a fond memory. Some time […]