Jon-Louis Heimerl


Jon-Louis Heimerl is Director of SAAS Development for Solutionary, Inc. Jon-Louis has over 25 years of experience in security and security programs. His background includes everything from writing device drivers in assembler to running a worldwide network operation center for the United States government. Jon-Louis has also performed commercial consulting for a variety of industries, including many Fortune 500 clients. His consulting experience includes security assessments, security awareness training, policy development, physical intrusion tests and social engineering exercises. He can be reached at

How to Strengthen Network Security on a Smaller Budget – 1

Times are tough. The economy is down. Spending is controlled. And your budget is cut. Specifically, your security budget has been hacked to pieces because ROI for security is a pretty tough sell. As management continues to decrease funding for IT and information security initiatives, IT professionals need to focus spending dollars where they will […]