Michael Vizard


Vizard previously served as the Editorial Director and Senior Vice President, setting the strategic editorial direction for the Enterprise Group at Ziff Davis, which includes eWEEK, Baseline, CIO Insight, The Channel Insider, Publish and Microsoft Watch,. Mr. Vizard has served as the Editor in Chief of CMP Media's Computer Resellers News, in addition to being Editor in Chief at International Data Group's InfoWorld. Mr. Vizard has also had extensive editorial management experience over an 18-year career that has included management positions with PC Week, Computerworld, Digital Review and Electronic Buyers' News.

IBM Chief to Partners: Get Smarter

IBM has been making a lot of marketing noise lately about making the planet smarter, ranging from complex undertakings such as making the electric grid more efficient to just trying to synchronize traffic lights so cars burn less gas. As noble as all those goals are, however, IBM has been pursuing this ambitious set of […]

How to Approach Green Technology Adoption

IT professionals are not always the most popular people in an organization. After all, much of the job involves telling people they can have only a certain amount of access to a limited resource, while also enforcing corporate policies that are typically handed down from on high. So when IT managers think about the implications […]

SMBs, SAAS May Mix After All

When it comes to small and midsize business customers, the general assumption that gets made in the vendor community is that they would all line up to use enterprise-class applications if only those apps were available as a service. The second part of the equation is pretty much true. A lot of SMB customers don’t […]

Vendors Swayed by Smaller Customers’ Needs

Vendors spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to best approach IT organizations that work for midmarket companies, which the industry typically defines as companies with between 100 and 1,000 employees. As of late, these types of companies have become a major focus of the IT vendor community because collectively these types […]

10 Foolish Things Vendors Do

10 Foolish Things Vendors Do 10 Foolish Things Vendors Do – Feature Focus Market products based on features rather than the pain points the customer has. Nothing shows the customer that the vendor doesn’t have a clue more than a conversation about speeds and feeds. 10 Foolish Things Vendors Do – Hide Add-ons Hide the […]

SMBs Lacking BI

After years of preaching about the value of business intelligence applications to help people run their businesses better, one of the dirty little secrets of this industry is that the vendors rarely practice what they preach when it comes to making use of BI software. As a result, they have no real idea of what […]

Embrace and Extend Trump Rip and Replace Every Time

In contrast to the average Global 2000 company that seems to have a specialist on hand for every IT task, the average SMB organization needs to leverage every asset they have in multiple ways. This is why SMB organizations tend to look askance at vendors who show up with products that require them to rip […]

Emerald Green Computing Comes to IT

Emerald Green Computing Comes to IT Emerald Green Computing Comes to IT – Accuris Networks Accuris provides software that allows users to roam across GSM (Global System for Mobile), Wi-Fi and WiMax networks. http://www.accuris-networks.com/ Emerald Green Computing Comes to IT – Anam Mobile Anam Mobile provides tools that allow customers of telecommunication companies to manage […]

No Real Reason to Be Keen on Green Computing

Everywhere you go these days there seems to be a vendor talking about the virtues of green computing. The most recent example of this trend was Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer last week promising to reduce the amount of energy that Microsoft products consume by a factor of five. Ballmer wasn’t very specific about how this […]

Are Server Sales Slowing?

Once upon a time you could count on the fact that the sun would rise and that server sales would increase. But early indications are showing that taking server sales growth for granted may be no more and the culprit is virtualization. As more customers adopt virtualization, they are getting a lot more utilization from […]