Paul Korzeniowski

Internet Insight: Satellites Hit New Orbit

Beam it up, Scotty. Thats what a growing number of IT managers are saying as they turn to satellite communications to carry enterprise data traffic. These executives are discovering that broadband IP satellite services are easier to deploy and manage and more secure than terrestrial links. Satellite data networks are hardly new; some large companies […]

Internet Insight: Getting Data Up and Down

Compared with terrestrial communications, satellite links can be tricky to manage. For instance, satellite service providers must deal with the weather. Heavy rain or snow can slow transmissions and increase the number of dropped packets. Fortunately, new algorithms can minimize weather problems. Another problem is distance. A signal travels from a users desktop to a […]

Internet Insight: Right Way to Build Dynamic Content

Once a company decides to distribute its dynamic content, it has to put mechanisms in place to ensure proper page creation. The ESI specification includes features to help ensure that page information is updated correctly. The markup language starts off by outlining how each Web page should be composed. Each file is subject to its […]

Internet Insight: ESI Does It

Call it a Cache-22. Dynamic Web content is emerging as a key to successful e-business sites. But that fluid information can lead to heavy network traffic, slowing application servers to a crawl and, in turn, bringing an e-business to its knees. Enter ESI (Edge Side Includes), a new caching standard that enables developers to craft […]

Internet Insight: A Little Slice of the UDDI Pie

Sometimes, funny things happen to a technology on the way to becoming the next big thing. Take UDDI. The Universal Description, Discovery and Integration standard, which hit the scene in September 2000 amid much hoopla, was created to solve the connectivity problems of big, public, business-to-business exchanges. But demand for those exchanges has been tepid, […]

Internet Insight: UDDI: Two Versions Down, One to Go

Putting a new infrastructure in place so that enterprises can exchange Web services data via the Internet is a complex process, so the UDDI Project, which now has some 300 member companies, separated the work on its standard into three phases. Versions 1 and 2 of the specification are finished; Version 3 is expected to […]

10 Gigabits and Beyond

It has beaten back a host of challengers in its more than two decades as a networking standard—to the point where it is the undisputed ruler of local, campus and metropolitan networks. Now the champion must transform itself to meet the futures demand for increased bandwidth. Ethernet, the most venerable LAN standard and by far […]

Next Step Beyond 10G Unclear

Whats next? As vendors put the 10 Gigabit Ethernet standards to bed, their focus is shifting to the next technological challenge. More bandwidth has always been needed, prompting suppliers to keep increasing Ethernets throughput by a factor of 10. Unlike previous initiatives, this time, questions have arisen about the next performance multiple. “While there has […]