Rick Treese is Chief Technology Officer at The Markets.com. Rick is a specialist in Web product strategy, software development, and driving online businesses growth. He has over 18 years of technology leadership experience focused in the finance, Internet and media industries. Prior to TheMarkets.com, Rick was chief technology officer of global media company Advanstar Communications. Before that, he was vice president of technology at Goldman Sachs. Rick is co-author of CTO Leadership Strategies, published by Aspatore Books. He is a frequent speaker at industry events. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Banking and Finance from Hofstra University. He can be reached at rtreese@themarkets.com.
In the past five years, we have seen an immense transformation in the design and functionality of financial software and, in turn, the way people use it. The newest trend we are seeing in 2010, and one with great staying power, is customized software development. A perfect storm of technological and economic factors have converged […]