Google reported today that second quarter net income rose 28 percent to $925 million, or $2.93 per diluted share, falling short of Wall Streets expectations of $3.01 a share. Revenue was $3.87 billion, an increase of 58 percent compared to second quarter 2006 and an increase of 6 percent compared to the first quarter 2007. […]
SixApart, a blogging pioneer and top supplier of blogging software to businesses, on June 5 announced it would transition its flagship product, Movable Type, to an open-source platform by the third quarter of this year. The announcement was made simultaneously with the latest release of the platform, Movable Type 4.0, which will continue to be […]
Yahoo announced June 4 that its Panama search advertising platform is open to third-party developers. The new Yahoo Search Marketing Commercial API Program gives businesses and individual developers access to a series of APIs (application program interfaces) so they can modify the Panama platform to suit their needs. The program offers three levels of partnership, […]
Digg, the Web community that lets users vote on news items, today unveiled a sitewide redesign and expanded its coverage area beyond technology. The new site features will go live June 26. Digg showed off the redesign at a launch party at a south of Market Street bar in San Francisco on June 22 that […]
Quark announced May 22 the release of QuarkXPress 7, the first update to its QuarkXPress graphic layout program in two years. The full release is available for trial download on Quarks Web site. With this release, Quark is attempting to rejoin the desktop publishing battle with Adobe. Quark has been losing mind share to Adobe, […]
Microsoft today announced the public beta of Expression Web Designer, a new Web design tool formerly known as “Quartz.” The beta version, which Microsoft calls a Community Technology Preview, or CTP, is available for download on Microsofts Web site. With this release, Microsoft now offers three applications in its Expression suite that compete in the […]
ABCs “Lost” has done more than any other media before it to enable interaction around a brand on multiple platforms. It is the first truly pan-media experience, and that holds lessons for content producers everywhere. “Lost” is everywhere. Its a television show that was born in a traditional analog world but came of age in […]
Blogging platform provider Six Apart suffered a denial-of-service attack May 2 that limited access to several of its services for about 12 hours. The attack, which began around 7 p.m. EDT, caused intermittent and limited availability for TypePad, LiveJournal, TypeKey,, and Six Apart reported that the sites were stable as of 7 […] on April 17 followed up on its promise to countersue Apple, alleging patent infringement in documents filed in a San Francisco federal court. Apple originally filed suitagainst Burst in January for declaratory relief, alleging patent invalidity or non-infringement. The two companies had been negotiating the issuance of a license to cover Apples iPod and […]
Adobe will release on Feb. 1 the beta version of Adobe Flex 2.0 and Adobe Flash Player 8.5. The software was released in alpha in January. In addition to Flash Player 8.5, the beta version of Flex 2.0 will contain Flex Framework 2.0, Flex Builder 2.0, Flex Enterprise Services 2.0 and Flex Charting Components 2.0. […]