TUNIS—By Thursday, the presidents and prime ministers departed the WSIS (World Summit on the Information Society) Summit in Tunisia, and the main podium was turned over to ministers of information and technology and other lesser diplomatic personnel. It is a good day to roam the booths of the organizations exhibiting here, which come in four […]
TUNIS—The WSIS (World Summit on the Information Society) here is the culmination of a three-year effort to wrestle over the future governance mechanisms of the Internet. The scope of the task is evident by the diversity of the crowd: some 26,000 diplomats, real Internet workers and various “hangers on” are arriving in Tunisia this week. […]
In November, a conference will be held in Tunis, Tunisia, under the auspices of the World Summit on the Information Society. At this conference, participants including U.N.-related bureaucrats and representatives from countries such as Cuba, China and Brazil will make a bid to create a new international regime to control the route servers, Domain Name […]