I spoke with Peter Pezaris, SVP, Strategy and User Experience at New Relic, about a new report that reveals companies’ experience with observability.
Among the topics we covered:
- You’ve completed a fascinating survey on observability, and let’s go through some highlights. But before that, can you give your sense of the overall bottom line from the survey?
2. Okay, let’s briefly walk through the survey’s 5 key findings and what they mean for businesses:
• Only 27% of organizations have achieved full-stack observability, the ability to see everything in the tech stack that could affect the customer experience. Just 5% had a mature observability practice by the report’s definition.
• About three in 10 said observability enables cross-team collaboration (32%) and improves their skillset/hireability (31%).
• The data supports a strong correlation between achieving or prioritizing full-stack observability and experiencing fewer outages, improved outage detection rates, and improved mean time to resolution.
• More than half (52%) of organizations experience high-business-impact outages once a week or more, and 29% took more than an hour to resolve those outages.
• Respondents predict their organizations will most need observability for AI, IoT, and business applications in the next three years.
3. So given the survey’s findings, what do you see as the future for observability, over the next 3-5 years?
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