BEA Systems and Adobe Systems have teamed up to deliver a new development environment for rich internet applications and server technologies to automate infrastructure for document processes.
At BEAs BEAWorld conference in San Francisco on Sept. 11, the companies announced that they have signed an agreement across four products in their respective portfolios and will work together to provide customers with a design environment for RIA (rich internet applications) development.
Under the agreement, BEA will bundle Adobe Flex Builder 2 software with BEA Workshop Studio, to enable developers to rapidly build cross-platform RIAs that integrate with SOA (service-oriented architecture) and Web 2.0 infrastructure for enterprise mash-ups. In addition, every Workshop Studio developer will now have access to Flex technology for building RIAs.
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The new Workshop Studio bundle includes Flex Builder 2, Adobes Eclipse-based IDE, and the Adobe Flex software development kit, which the company plans to release under the open-source Mozilla Public License. The bundle is designed to allow developers to quickly and easily add rich interactivity to enterprise applications. And the RIAs can be integrated with other BEA products to take advantage of Web 2.0 and SOA technologies, the companies said.
Moreover, the agreement also enables Adobe to distribute evaluation licenses of BEAs application server, WebLogic Server, with Adobe LiveCycle Enterprise Suite software.
The combination of Workshop Studio with Adobe Flex Builder 2 is scheduled to be available as a bundled product by the end of the year, BEA officials said.
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