210 Things IT People Secretly Think … – The Great Security Scam
Clearly, all these hackers who write malicious code are in league with the security vendors because the minute somebody discloses a hole, an exploit that uses that hole to attack a customer’s system magically appears.
310 Things IT People Secretly Think … – SOA Is Good Hygiene
We know that new applications should be built using service-oriented architecture because it’s good computing science. But nobody has given us a compelling business reason to go back and rewrite 30 years worth of legacy applications just so we can say the
410 Things IT People Secretly Think … – The Packaged Application Pickle
No packaged application ever seems to meet the needs of the users it has allegedly been designed for, which clearly means that no developer working for a packaged application vendor has ever spent any real quality time with the actual users of their produ
510 Things IT People Secretly Think … – Murphy Trumps Metcalf
While Metcalf’s Law states that a network grows in value with each additional node added, Murphy’s Law dictates that the most important application on the network will by definition be the slowest for no apparent reason.
610 Things IT People Secretly Think … – Moores Law Is Obsolete
Moore’s Law states that the density on an integrated circuit will double every 18 months, which was convenient because it mapped nicely to the product development life cycle that vendors want customers to adhere to. But now it seems that vendors can doubl
710 Things IT People Secretly Think … – Microsoft Is Our Monster
Granted, Microsoft doesn’t always act in the best interest of the customer, but we helped create that monster by establishing Microsoft as a counterweight to that other monster known as Big Blue.
810 Things IT People Secretly Think … – Open Source Is Communism
The open-source phenomenon is some sort of technology rendition of communism that runs counter to all capitalism models as we understand them, but free software is never a bad thing.
910 Things IT People Secretly Think … – Software Was Always a Service
Because we only license software rather than own it outright, software has always been a service and the service has always been bad.
1010 Things IT People Secretly Think … – Bringing Back the Phone
The increased use of e-mail in litigation is pushing users away from e-mail and back to the phone, so they can say things without worrying that whatever they say at the moment is going to come back and haunt them in a court case.
1110 Things IT People Secretly Think … – The Compliance Lobby
The IT industry has quietly mobilized a small army of lobbyists who spread large amounts of cash around to induce politicians to think about the ever-increasing number of Byzantine laws and regulations that invariably lead to IT organizations having to sp
1210 Things IT People Secretly Think … – See More Slideshows Like This One
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