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1iPaq 910 Business messenger
Hewlett-Packards iPaq 910 Business Messenger combines 3G wireless speeds, GPS navigation, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth,as well as the ability to run powerful business-critical applications. Running Microsofts Windows Mobile 6.1, users will also have access to familiar applications (such as Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint) to keep them productive.
BlueStripes FactFinder provides the ability to manage application performance and availability in virtualized data center environments by mapping physical and virtual systems for an understanding of applications and their interdependencies. FactFinder offers automatic discovery and mapping of application dependencies; measures health and performance; and performs analysis for triage capabilities.
3HYDRAstor HS8-2000
The NEC HYDRAstor HS8-2000 grid storage platform is a self-evolving storage solution. According to the company, each Accelerator Node provides performance of 300MB per second, raw capacity of 12TB and effective capacity of 157.5 TB (based on a 20-to-1 deduplication ratio with default protection 300 percent greater than RAID 5).
4GroupWise 8
5EMC’s Captiva 6.0
EMCs new Captiva products are designed to increase capture performance and scalability while simplifying ease of use, development and deployment. EMC Captiva InputAccel 6 and EMC Captiva Dispatcher 6—which offer a new SOA (service-oriented architecture) to leverage capture as a service—are priced based on document volume and client seats.
6JNBridge JMS
The JNBridge JMS Adapter for BizTalk Server enables enterprises to quickly and easily integrate BizTalk Servers into any existing JMS (Java Messaging Service) infrastructure, allowing messages to be passed seamlessly between systems in a heterogeneous environment. The latest version of the adapter adds support for transactions and 64-bit platforms.