The government has spawned a complex infrastructure protection bureaucracy
National Coordinator for Security Protection and Counterterrorism — National Security Council Responsible for the governments critical infrastructure protection efforts, as well as foreign terror threats of mass destruction; position currently held by Richard Clarke
Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office — Department of Commerce Charged with assisting the integration of federal information infrastructure protection initiatives; created by presidential directive in 1998
National Infrastructure Protection Center — FBI The governments focal point for threat assessment, warning, investigation and response for threats or attacks against critical infrastructures; established in February 1998
National Infrastructure Assurance Council Charged with enhancing the partnership of the public and private sectors to address threats to the nations critical infrastructure; created by presidential order in 1999; has 18 private-sector members
Federal Computer Incident Response Center — General Services Administration Central coordination analysis facility that deals with computer security issues affecting the civilian agencies and departments of the federal government
Joint Task Force Computer Network Operations An integrated defense center designed to protect Department of Defense computer systems from attack; it also coordinates attacks against enemy systems; housed within the Defense Information Systems Agency
Department of Defense Computer Emergency Response Team Tracks and responds to computer attacks within the armed services
Air Force Computer Emergency Response Team Tracks and responds to computer attacks on Air Force systems
Information Sharing and Analysis Centers Presidentially mandated hubs for the sharing of threat information and solutions by industry sector; four ISACs are operational: financial services, energy, telecommunications and transportation
Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property units — Department of Justice New teams dedicated to prosecuting computer crimes
Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center A federally funded threat-tracking and warning organization operated by Carnegie Mellon University; feeds data to all of the above groups