So few updates, so much time. Wait, switch that, reverse it. Good.
Google Base — Google engineers are making the Borg cube a little prettier. You can now format your Google Base item descriptions using formatting buttons or HTML. But you’re still not allowed to use scripts, frames or data input controls.
Google Co-Op — Google has added drop-downs to some searches, which helps you to refine your search. If you search for “clinical trials” you should see the drop-downs. Searching for other health-related terms, such as cancer, returns a list you can use to refine your search.
Google AdSense — Google has added a site diagnostics tool to all AdSense publishers. Google’s also updated the optimization tips page.
Google Desktop — the deadline for the widget-developing contest has been extended by two weeks.
Google Video — As reported earlier, Google now allows links to specific times within a video. And late last week, it also updated the Google Video homepage to include a Top 10 list.
Google Talk — Google is now branding Google Talk headsets.
Google Reader — Google has made several changes to Reader, including the ability to star items in the mobile interface.
Google Maps — The Maps API has been updated to include, among other things, custom mouse cursors and more accurate geocoder response.