Whale Communications is partnering with Microsoft to combine Microsofts Internet Security and Acceleration Server with Whales Intelligent Application Gateway.
The deal, which is the first of its kind for Microsoft, will combine Whales SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) VPN technology with Microsofts IP Security VPN and put the ISA Server technology on a secure hardware appliance, according to executives from both companies.
The Whale Intelligent Application Gateway is a security appliance for the network perimeter that can be deployed in the enterprise network DMZ or on a LAN. The product can manage remote access sessions, filter outbound communications from the network, and do endpoint security checking and application-layer security scans, according to Roger Pilc, CEO of Whale Communications.
New versions of the Whale Intelligent Application Gateway will include ISA Server 2004 on a hardened Windows Server 2003 platform and will be targeted at large and midtier enterprises, said Pilc.
For Microsoft, the deal provides an answer to companies that want to take advantage of popular SSL VPN technology to do remote access, said Marcus Schmidt, a senior product manager in Microsofts Security Business and Technology Unit.
“We heard from our customers that ISA [Server] was a great IPSec solution but that they also wanted SSL VPN. If they can get that all from one vendor and not have to pick and choose, thats great,” Schmidt said.
Adding ISA Server to the Whale platform also makes it easier to integrate the appliance with Microsofts Active Directory user directory and Exchange e-mail server, Schmidt said.
Microsoft was also interested in getting the ISA software onto a dedicated remote access hardware appliance, he said.