Microsoft has plans for a small Patch Tuesday next week that will include just three security bulletins.
Of the three, just one is rated “Critical,” while the other two are rated “Important.” The critical bulletin, as well as one of the bulletins classified as important, impacts Microsoft Windows. The other bulletin affects Microsoft Office.
All totaled, the bulletins will close four security issues, blogged Angela Gunn, of Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing Group.
“The upcoming Patch Tuesday includes a fix for a DLL Hijacking vulnerability in the Microsoft Groove application,” said HD Moore, Rapid7’s chief security officer and Metasploit chief architect. “This was one of the hundreds of flaws discovered last year by both Rapid7 and another security firm. I am glad to see that Microsoft is making progress on these vulnerabilities and continuing to fix affected applications.”
Last month, the company issued a much bigger Patch Tuesday update, pushing out fixes for 22 vulnerabilities spanning a number of products. January however was another quiet month, and featured just two security bulletins.
This month’s updates are scheduled for Tuesday, March 8.