Cloud-based smartphone security software developer Lookout Mobile Security announced Lookout Premium for Android, which includes updated security and privacy features for added smartphone protection. Lookout Premium now offers visibility into, and control of, personal information that smartphone apps access with the new Privacy Advisor. Lookout Premium will be available for all Android users on Nov. 16 for $2.99 per month or $29.99 annually, with a 30-day free trial.
With Privacy Advisor, users can scan every app they download and view a list of apps that can access their private data, such as identity information, location and messages. Additionally, consumers can view app reports on the capabilities of these applications on their phone. Consumers can download Lookout from the Android market via Lookout’s Website.
“Smartphones are cheaper, more available and more useful than ever, and today’s smartphone users treat their devices like computers, storing sensitive personal information, making purchases and even doing online banking,” said Jeff Wilson, principal analyst for security at Infonetics Research. “Users need to be aware of the personal information stored on their phone and the risks associated with treating a smartphone like a computer. They also need to know that there are security solutions for their smartphones available today.”
In a recent study, Lookout found that more than 91 percent of consumers have some level of concern with the privacy of information on their phone, and only seven percent of smartphone users feel extremely confident that they understand what private information is being accessed on the phone. Lookout also found that on average, users have 31 apps on their phones that can access their identity information, 19 apps that access their location and five apps that access their SMS and MMS messages.
“We’ve been amazed by our growth to three million users and are continuing to focus on exceeding our customers’ expectations for mobile protection.” said John Hering, CEO and founder of Lookout Mobile Security. “Lookout Premium provides smartphone owners the peace of mind to explore everything that the new mobile world offers safely by providing added security, data protection and visibility into personal information being accessed by the apps on their phones.”
Lookout Premium includes all the features available in Lookout Free, plus additional security and privacy protection with a privacy adviser plus remote wipe and remote lock functionality, enhanced backup and restore, including photos and call history, in addition to contacts. Also included in Premium is Premium Support, which offers priority response to user issues and questions.
Lookout’s basic mobile application, Lookout Free, is currently available for Android, BlackBerry and Windows Mobile devices. Lookout Free offers malware, virus and spyware protection, the ability to back up and restore contacts and a “scream” feature that helps users locate a missing phone. Other features include the ability to locate a missing phone on a map from a PC or another smartphone. Users also have the option to wipe all the data from their phone via the Internet in case of theft.
Security specialist Symantec also recently added support for Google Android and Apple iOS – the operating system for the iPhone and iPad – as well as an upcoming solution aimed at communication service providers. The extended support for Android and iOS builds on Symantec’s previous support for Windows Mobile and BlackBerry devices in Symantec Mobile Management 7.0. On the consumer side, the company has Norton Mobile Security for Android still in beta, but it is expected to be generally available in the coming months.