Linux administrators at small businesses and at remote offices of larger companies have a new, free backup option, Arkeia Light 5.0, announced Arkeia Corp. on Tuesday.
Arkeia Light 5.0 is for single Linux servers connected with SCSI into one tape drive. It supports two client computers, on Linux, BSD, or Windows. Apple OS X support is due in early 2003.
The main improvements from the prior version, 4.2, are in the administration interface. There is a redesigned GUI, focusing on user management and backup scheduling, spokesman Sam Brown said, in Carlsbad, Calif.
Support for Oracle Corp. databases is due in the next few weeks, he said. Users who upgrade to Arkeia 5.0 Professional will see pricing starting at about $600, increasing into the $10,000-$20,000 range for more tape streams and user licenses.
In a separate announcement, StorServer Inc. also announced Linux support for Oracle users today. StorServer Data Protection, or SDP, is available now and starts at $1,200, a spokeswoman of the Colorado Springs, Colo., company said.