Apple Computer Inc.s iMac is the first to have Intel inside.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the new Intel-based iMac in a keynote address during Macworld Expo in San Francisco Tuesday. The new all-in-one machine, which will start at $1,299, incorporates Intels latest Core Duo processor.
Later in the speech, Jobs unveiled a new Apple notebook, the MacBook Pro, based on the same processor, which Intel debuted late last week.
Aside from its new processor, the iMac is largely the same as the companys existing G5-processor iMac, which offers 17-inch and 20-inch screens, a built-in camera and Front Row, a special remote-control-driven interface for handling multimedia files. The machine first came to market last October.
The MacBook Pro, whose hardware is new, pairs the Core Duo chip with a 15.4-inch widescreen display and Apples Front Row software and Apple iSight camera. It starts at $1,999, Apple said in a statement.
The introduction of the new machines marks an important turn in Apples history. Last June, the company pledged to shift its entire product line from IBM and Freescale-manufactured PowerPC processors to Intel chips. The transition, which Apple said would begin by June 2006, kicked off with the new iMac and MacBook and is expected to touch its Power Mac line last. Apple said it will complete the move by June 2007.
The new Intel iMac will come in two models, including one with a 17-inch screen, a 1.83GHz Core Duo processor, 512MB of RAM and a 160GB hard drive, as well as wireless networking and a multiformat SuperDrive, which can burn DVDs or CDs. The machine, which starts at $1,299, also incorporates ATI Technologies Inc.s Radeon X1600 graphics processor along with 128MB of video memory, Apple said in a statement.
The MacBook Pro, which appears to serve as a more multimedia-oriented successor to the PowerBook G4, will also come in two models that Apple said will ship in February.
A MacBook Pro with a 15.4-inch widescreen and a 1.67GHz Intel Core Duo chip will pack 512MB of RAM, an 80GB hard drive and a slot-load SuperDrive for burning DVDs and CDs, along with wireless networking, the iSight camera and a remote control. An ATI Radeon X1600 chip with 128MB of video memory is also on board the new machine, which starts at $1,999, Apple said in a statement.
Moving up to a 1.83GHz version, starting at $2,499, nets extras including 1GB of RAM, a 100GB hard drive and a bump to 256MB of video memory, the company said.
Apple on Tuesday also added new iPod music player accessories, including the iPod Radio Remote. The wired remote, which doubles as an FM radio tuner, can connect to the iPod Nano or fifth-generation iPod and costs $49. An iPod AV Connection Kit, which can connect any music players that include an iPod Dock Connector to a television, will cost $99, Apple said in a statement.
For $1,699, Apple offers upgrades to a 20-inch screen and a 2.0GHz Core Duo chip, along with a 250GB hard drive, the statement said.
Editors Note: This story was updated to include information on the MacBook Pro and iPod accessories.