PARIS—Apple Expo Paris is not a huge show. Substantially smaller than the January Macworld in San Francisco, still, it holds a strong place in the Apple and iPod world—even more so now that Macworld Boston has been canceled.
The show is an interesting mix of digital music, Macintosh-based business software, iPod accessories and other digital devices. Even though Steve Jobs declined to speak, Apple had a significant presence at the show, occupying nearly a quarter of the show floor with a huge central booth. Jobs was even rumored to be walking the floor himself—just like in the old days.
Like Jobs, I roamed the floor on Tuesday, shortly after the show opened, looking for new iPod accessories. The Nano was on everyones mind, as the holiday season begins in just two months. I found some interesting new products, and—in more than one case—a nifty upcoming solution for the Nano.
Check out the slideshow for fascinating new iPod accessories, including speaker systems, headphones and even a DJ station.
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