Mr. Goldberg is a renowned analyst, columnist, and strategic visionary covering the computer and Internet industries. His point of view is well known for its succinct, realistic, and down to earth style. His ability to integrate the technology, market and human factors in forecasting high technology is legendary.He has more than 22 years experience in understanding the product/channel/customer equation in these industries and has the unique ability to understand the inter-relationships among these factors. This allows Mr. Goldberg to uniquely present scenarios on industry and vendor directions that are uncannily accurate.In his current role at Ziff-Davis, Mr. Goldberg is charged with developing comprehensive market analyses and building integrated marketing programs and customer development programs for Information Technology vendors. His ability to understand the dynamic between customers, products, services, and their usage trends enables him to build hard hitting, unique programs that deliver the results for tactical and strategic marketing programs. This position demands the ability to work with senior executives in these IT firms as well as key partners in the media world.Mr. Goldberg is also charged with presenting key industry trends and research findings at major industry events and in various web sites and publications.At the present time he is a regular contributor to ZDNet, and contributor for Upside Magazine, Wall Street Journal, Marketing Computers, and eWEEK.Prior to his current role, Mr. Goldberg was Executive Vice President at Ziff-Davis Market Intelligence, building state of the art go-to-market systems for high tech vendors. He has also served as Chief Executive Officer of InfoCorp. Prior to Ziff-Davis, Mr. Goldberg was employed at International Data Corporation for 15 years. He worked in a number of positions, and ended his employment there as Senior Vice President of the Desktop Computing Group.Mr. Goldberg received a BS degree from Bentley College in Marketing/Management, with directed studies in statistics and organizational behavior. He resides in Massachusetts with his family.
As an IT professional, you have no more important task than vendor selection. The choice of vendors—which ones and how many—affects your staffs ability to manage vendors without wasting time and money, as well as your ability to integrate disparate components into complete systems. IT organizations with too many vendors, or poor vendor management practices, […]
At the risk of coining a slogan as meaningful as “The year of the LAN” of days gone by, Im going to name 2005 “The Year of Killing Complexity.” Of all the challenges facing IT, the No. 1 enemy is complexity. We have spaghetti code; exploded noodle factories behind our server racks; a dogs dish […]
For the past few years, the big buzz in application and system design has been to “support business processes.” Unfortunately, many organizations have a blind spot in a critical area of business processes: compliance. The focus in new application development has often been on workflow, information flow and user interaction. Not enough attention is being […]