Hello, and welcome back to our tour of Adobe Photoshop CS2. This tour is intended specifically for photographers, and it visits areas where extensive renovation has taken place. In the previous installment, we looked at ACR3, which is Adobes Converter for Raw files. ACR3 is so great that its well worth upgrading the package just […]
Microsoft is becoming more color-aware. In fact Microsoft, with input from Canon, plans a complete rewrite of the color game planin its Windows Color System integrated in the upcoming operating system Vista. Redmond details the motivation behind its shakeup of Color Management in a recent white paper. In that paper, Microsoft bemoans the growing user […]
Photoshop CS2 has now been now out for a while, and, looking forward, I guess Adobe is finalizing the feature list for the CS3 version. This might be the last point in time to make our requests for the new songs we want to see on Adobes next playlist. Id like to solicit feature requests […]
The megapixel race may have peaked. It seems to me that most pro photographers feel their cameras resolution is now high enough. Instead of more pixels, they would like new camera models to bring them better pixels. Conventional wisdom has it that what pros and consumers want most from their cameras are more megapixels. But […]
Need a phone in Japan? The Vodafone counter at Tokyo Narita airport will sell you a phone with a prepaid card for around a hundred dollars, less of a hassle than rental. Even though its an outdated, cheap model, my new flip phone is the tiniest Ive ever owned, with front and back color screens […]
You have to hand it to Microsoft. When it wants to, it certainly can make things happen. It can even make peace happen. Digital imaging has seen a format insurgency of late, with every camera supplier coining its own format. Nikon, Canon, Sony and Olympus all have their own, thoroughly obfuscated, partially encrypted, DMCA-protected, software-patented […]
I use an “old” Canon 1Ds camera—almost 2 years old and only 11 megapixels—and a “new” 1DsII, which is the current model. Surely, youd think, the latest and greatest must be best. But it just aint so. The 11-megapixel 1Ds model has some weaknesses, but I kind of like it more. Ive taken good care […]
Last week, I moaned about the absence of screen rotation on Macintoshes. I didnt get the luxury of wallowing in self-pity for very long, though. My readers e-mailed me a necessary wake-up call: Screen rotation is mostly implemented in the pending operating system, Tiger. Hey, that was fast: Ask for a feature, get it two […]
Apple is my favorite computer manufacturer, but I have a major graphics problem with them. At the risk of seeming trite, Im kinda vertical, and theyre very horizontal. This is literal; its not computer marketing jargon about their solutions integration. Its the screen, stupid! I take a lot of portrait-formatted pictures. These people tend to […]
Hello, and welcome back to our tour of Adobe Photoshop CS2. This tour is intended specifically for photographers, and it visits areas where extensive renovation has taken place. In the previous installment, we looked at ACR3, which is Adobes Converter for Raw files. ACR3 is so great that its well worth upgrading the package just […]