Imad Mouline


Imad Mouline is CTO of Gomez. Imad is a veteran of software architecture, research and development. Imad is a recognized expert in Web application development, testing and performance management. Imad's breadth of expertise spans Web 2.0, cloud computing, Web browsers, Web application architecture and infrastructure, and software as a service. Prior to Gomez, Imad was CTO at S1 Corp. He can be reached at

Managing Capacity for Performance: How to Ensure End-to-End Scalability for Web 2.0 Applications

Modern Web 2.0 applications are “composites” that include content and services not just from inside the data center but from third-party service and content providers beyond the firewall. For example, a single composite Web 2.0 application may include shopping carts, search engines, user reviews or analytics which come from specialized, third-party service providers. The average […]

How to Use Load Testing 2.0 to Ensure High Performance for Web 2.0 Applications

Web 2.0 is often described as an evolution, from the Web-as-information source (that is, Web 1.0) to the Web as a more engaging, participatory medium. The Web page has evolved accordingly, from a static download with limited functionality to a starting point for a rich Web experience full of complex applications and third-party services that […]