Nicholas Carr


Nick Carr joined Red Hat in 2002 and is Marketing Director for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux family of products. Nick has extensive experience in operating system development and delivery, in both proprietary and open source environments. Prior to joining Red Hat, Nick worked at EMC, Compaq Computer Corp and Digital Equipment Corp.

The Next IT Revolution

Two years ago, my article “IT Doesnt Matter” appeared. Since then, Ive spoken to a lot of CIOs and IT professionals about my contention that IT has lost its power to provide competitive advantages. Some think Im dead wrong, some think Im dead-on and most fall somewhere in between. But virtually everyone agrees that at […]

When Does IT Matter?

Youre probably familiar with the S curve. Thats the famous line, in the shape of an elongated S, that plots the adoption of a valuable new technology. As the curve indicates, the uptake begins slowly. When first introduced, the technology is unproved, expensive and difficult to use. Standards havent been established, and the best practices […]