Raj Rao is Vice President of Global QA and Testing services at Keane. Rao is responsible for driving Keane quality initiatives and solution support activities. In this role, Rao has created several solutions for global 5000 organizations. Rao has 20+ years of experience in the software and communications industries. Rao has worked at SAP, PeopleSoft and Oracle, building successful new product suites and solutions. He can be reached at raj.rao@keane.com.
Despite the economic downturn, last year there were $2.3 trillion dollars’ worth of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) involving 5,800 separate transactions. The result of this M&A activity is a spate of enterprise application consolidations and migrations. When M&A occur, the resulting enterprise is left with duplicate or overlapping business processes, applications that are supporting these […]