Claiming an abundance of jobs in Linux, the Linux Foundation is launching a new job board specifically for open-source-related employment on the site ( Since 2005, jobs in open-source technologies have grown some 80 percent, according to online recruiter JobThread, which the Linux Foundation has partnered with for job postings.
“Linux’s increasing use across industries is building high demand for Linux jobs despite national unemployment stats,” Jim Zemlin, executive director at the Linux Foundation, said in a statement. “ reaches millions of Linux professionals from all over the world. By providing a Jobs Board feature on the popular community site, we can bring together employers, recruiters and job seekers to lay the intellectual foundation for tomorrow’s IT industry.”
Ars Technica blogger Ryan Paul wrote on the Linux Foundation and job growth:
“During the Linux Collaboration Summit last year, Zemlin declared Linux the “fastest-growing platform” and touted an IDC study which contended that the open source operating system would endure the economic recession better than its competitors. Although it’s still unclear if IDC’s speculation will prove true, the need for cost-cutting in the current economic climate has certainly helped to boost Linux adoption, a trend that is potentially contributing further to the growth of the Linux job market.“
The Linux Foundation is a nonprofit consortium group that advocates and promotes Linux and open-source development.