1Skyhigh Ferrets Out ‘Shadow’ Cloud Service Use on Corporate Networks
by Frank J. Ohlhorst
2Primary Dashboard Tracks Cloud Services in Use
The dashboard provides a summary of the all the cloud services in use by the organization, the number of high-risk services, total number of users or IP addresses, and number of high-risk activities.
3Service Discovery Rates Potential Risks
Skyhigh rates every service on a 1 to 10 scale, based on 30 attributes across data, user, device, service and business risk categories. Users can also customize weights of the risk categories.
4Skyhigh Enables Customized Risk Weighting, Control
Skyhigh provides a risk assessment of all services used by the organization according to high, medium and low levels. It also provides the ability to customize rating weights to match the risk tolerance of a particular organization.
5Skyhigh Monitors Social Media Activity
The Skyhigh highlights all users who accessed or were denied access to social media sites. This allows companies to set policies on to what degree they want employees using social media on company time. Some companies and corporate departments encourage social networking as a marketing and public relations tool. Others discourage it as a security risk.
6Skyhigh Ferrets Out Anomalous Trends
Skyhigh identifies statistical and behavioral outliers in usage across all cloud services. This allows IT departments to identify possible risky user behavior or even unauthorized access of the corporate networks or cloud services.
7Get Detailed Usage Reports on Each User
Skyhigh’s User Details view provides a comprehensive analysis of all activity for a particular user, including a list of all services accessed, frequency of access, whether the service was accessed or blocked, and usage anomalies.
8Get Control of Cloud Service Usage
Skyhigh enforces key security and usage policies such as access control, data encryption and data loss prevention.
9Skyhigh Uses Aliasing Systems to Explore Network Domains
Skyhigh relies on an aliasing system to access a domain, while using the original domain as a platform for access control.
10Upload Security, Access Logs From Devices, Applications
With Skyhigh, uploading logs from egress devices such as firewalls, proxy servers or SIEM (security information and even management) systems or log aggregation products is a simple and straightforward process.
11Skyhigh Simplifies Reporting, Decision Making
A summary screen gives administrators an up-to-the-minute view of the status of the environment and allows IT managers to quickly make decisions without having to run reports or other analytics.
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