Making a two-pronged move to bolster the structured and unstructured data access and integration capability of its enterprise Data Services and iAnywhere mobile technology portfolios, Sybase on Monday announced the acquisition of privately held Avaki and ISDD. Terms of the two purchases by Sybase were not immediately disclosed.
The key prize of Sybase Inc.s acquisition splurge is Burlington, Mass.-based Avaki Corp.s SOA (service-oriented architecture)-based Enterprise Information Integration software.
This software, called EII Plus, abstracts physical data sources and creates a single virtual layer which application developers can use to access and alter multiple heterogeneous data sources more easily.
Initially, EII Plus will remain intact as a stand-alone product within Sybases information management technology stable, according to Kathleen Schaub, vice president of marketing for the IT Solutions Group of Dublin, Calif.-based Sybase.
Pursuing its “unwired enterprise” theme deep into unstructured data waters, Sybase officials said technology pooled from ISDD Ltd., a small U.K.-based technology firm, will allow developers and OEMs to capture and manage large volumes of unstructured data via a contextual user interface.
This data can be captured from a variety of data sources through integration with Sybases iAnywhere mobility products and other information management tools.
The ISDD software indexes and queries data across both unstructured and structured data formats. Unstructured data is found in areas including e-mail, documents, images and other disparate enterprise data sources. The ISDD software could potentially be linked with data storage information as well, said Sybase officials.