Easily integrate core DevOps application lifecycle management practices to database development
Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) allow DevOps teams to be more efficient.
When starting from a production environment, the use of Microsoft SQL Server 2017 in Docker containers and Kubernetes clusters can facilitate a DevOps CI/CD pipeline. Using SQL Server tools also allows you to easily integrate core DevOps application lifecycle management practices to database development.
Watch this on-demand presentation to learn how defining the database dependency as another component of the application architecture creates a seamless process for moving data and database binaries through development, test, and production environments.
This presentation will cover:
- Concepts and benefits of running Microsoft SQL Server 2017 in containers and container-centric clusters.
- How defining the database dependency as another component of the application architecture creates a seamless process for moving data and database binaries through development, test, and production environments.
- Answers for frequently asked questions about SQL Server, Docker and Kubernetes.