Quick, efficient customer feedback is more important than ever, and with Inquisites updated Web survey software, its easier than ever, users say.
Inquisite, a division of Catapult Systems Inc., in Austin, Texas, will launch this month Version 5.0 of its namesake product, with new features that promise to make survey creation easier and faster.
The multitiered enterprise system enables nontechnical users to build surveys in a PowerPoint-like interface, publish or e-mail them, track the results, and analyze the data, officials said.
Perhaps overlooked by many companies in their customer resource management processes, surveys are a vital part of Eastman Chemical Co.s business-to-business customer communications programs. The Kingsport, Tenn., chemical manufacturer has been working with Inquisite 3.22 for two years and sent out about 100 surveys last year. It plans to upgrade to 5.0 early this year.
Two benefits stand out for Lynn Peterson, Eastmans customer strategy business research specialist: ease of use and return on investment. “I cant tell you how easy it is to use. If you can use Microsoft [Corp.] Word, you can use Inquisite,” Peterson said. “Other survey products were just too complicated. If you wanted to change a font or color, you would have to go into HTML and edit. I know HTML, but changing a font should be a click of a button.”
For cost-conscious managers, the savings the product delivers may be more attractive. “Lots of times, a survey can be done instead of hiring a consultant,” Peterson said. “Youre looking at saving the consulting fee [with surveys]. I did one project that saved us $50,000 to obtain the same information.”
Inquisite 5.0 features multiscale question types and tables, which allow developers to mix styles of questions—such as drop-down lists and radio button multiple choice or check box forms—on a single survey page. The version adds enhanced security functions.
Follow-on editions of Inquisite will feature industry-specific components, such as 360-degree review modules. In Version 6.0, company officials said they expect to add development platforms, including those for handheld and wireless devices. No timetable has been set for 6.0. Inquisite 5.0 is available in licensed or hosted configurations. Licenses start at around $6,000 for a single user.