After installing and running the server, we were presented with a log-in screen that allows us to create a new account or log in.
2Ready to Create a New Website
Once we were logged in, this screen appeared, where we can create a sample starter site, a plug-in, or import a site or file.
3Managing Project Folders
The right side of the screen lets you manage your folders. Here we’re creating a new empty folder.
4Browsing Files Within Folders
The folder has not been created, yet we can browse the files in it.
5Creating and Adding Files to Folders
While inside a folder, we created a new JavaScript file called myfile.js.
6The IDE Highlights Code Syntax
We opened the folder and started creating JavaScript code. Notice the syntax highlighting and the way the editor shows us matching braces.
7Creating Site Projects With Basic Templates
To create a new project, you can start with an existing template. Here, we’re starting a simple HTML5 site that originates from a zip file containing the template.
8Eclipse Orion Provides Many Settings
There are many settings available. In this screen, we’re setting up the user configuration. This is also where you configure Git integration for this user.
9Tracking Plug-In Settings
The plug-in settings page shows what plug-ins are currently installed and includes configurations for those plug-ins.
10Installing Plug-Ins
To install new plug-ins, you can put in a plug-in URL into the bar. When you install a plug-in from a separate plug-in page, it takes you to this page with the URL filled in.
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