1Google’s Android Studio Delivers a Full-Feature IDE for Mobile Apps
by Jeff Cogswell
2Getting Started With Android Studio
When Android Studio opens, a dialog box appears giving you several options, such as opening an existing project, importing a project or creating a new project.
3Creating a New Project
If you choose to create a new project, this wizard opens. You can specify the application, module and package names, and other project settings such as Android API version number.
4Selecting a Project Layout
Next you can choose one of several types of layouts. Here is the basic “Blank” layout that provides a bare-bones starting point.
5Opting for a Full-Screen Layout
Another layout option is the full-screen activity for apps that require more screen real estate.
6Setting Up Log-In Activity
A log-in activity lets you create an application that requires the user to enter an email address and password before starting your app.
7Creating Data Management Apps
The master/detail option allows you to create an app that lets the user manage a list of data and details on individual items in the list.
8Specifying Application Icons
When configuring your application, you can specify an icon for the app. Here is the default green Android robot icon.
9Icons Can Be Custom Designs or Simply Text
You can choose a custom icon that you create yourself or if you’re not graphically inclined, you can just specify some text. Android Studio will create an icon for you with that text.
10Android Studio Includes High-Quality Code Editor
The code editor in Android Studio is top-notch, providing modern features such as syntax highlighting and autocomplete.
11App Designer Lets You Graphically Lay Out Screens
Android Studio includes a full-featured designer for graphically laying out your screens. The designer includes a large number of components and a properties screen.
12Studio Console Detects Device Emulator
When connecting to a device or virtual device, the console detects that a device emulator or the ADB tool is running.
13Test App Runs Under VMware Player
Here the app is running in Android under VMware Player. Android Studio works with the ADB to easily connect to real or virtual devices such as this.
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